Til death, do we part!

"Death leaves a heartache no one can heal. Love leaves a memory no one can steal" Unknown It’s an old age tradition that before we embark on a new year we set out goals and aspirations that we wish to strive for during the year ahead. Unfortunately, statistics show that a high percentage of us abandon our resolutions by the end of February. As the year commences I wanted to bring to your attention (in particularly the black community) the importance of buying and ensuring that you and those close to you have life insurance and make sure that your affairs are in order as part of your resolution going forwards. In recent years, it seems that we the black community have had a high rate of deaths and over the past 10 years I personally have attended more funerals than I have birthday parties, weddings or christenings. It appears that funerals and nine nights (Caribbean wake) have become a ‘social event’ where the community now comes together (and very ...